Dr. Justin's theory contradicted his practical life.
Dr. Justin also bragged that he would never get sick and used to mock innocents that they do not have faith if they are not healed. He used to arrogantly pride his level of faith before others and humiliate them.
Dr. Justin was wearing a lot of sheep's clothing's like archeological evidences of the Bible, fulfilled prophecies, defending the Deity of Christ and apologetics. But his hidden agenda was to promote the blab and grab prosperity gospel. Many Christians had fallen into his trap by thinking that he was very passionate about the good news of Jesus. Why would God terminate his life in April 1991 if he was so useful to His kingdom.
He also died with a lot of debt after promising prosperity to others.
Justin Prabhakaran's legacy still continues in the mass media, internet and in TV. Deceived Christians are promoting his stuff.
It is our responsibility to expose the false teachings of Justin Prabhakaran even though God ended his life in 1991.
We will be exposing Dr. Justin's false teachings (a partial list is given below) one by one in the coming days!
* Romans 10:9 (Dr. Justin's favorite verse in the entire Bible) is not for prescribed to get eternal life or Justification
* If a believer is sick it does not mean he/she did not have faith
* How faith comes?
* Differences between dead sea scrolls and Masoretic text
* Did Jesus go to hell?
* Prosperity Doctrine
* Can we not pray again once we prayed for something?
* Is it right to say that we are not sick when we still have diseases in our bodies?
* How Dr. Justin was deceiving the Tamil Christian world?
* What would have happened had Dr. Justin lived for more years?
Let us eradicate the Blat-it & Grab-it cult from our midst.
Praise be to God for stopping Dr. Justin from further damaging innocents.
And many more