This is what Vincent Selvakumar said in the prophetic conference telecast live on Angel TV on Oct 9, 2010.
He was told that Oct 9, 2010 was a METAGOSHIN day. It refers to turning a page in a book. (It seems, it’s a word in a heavenly language). A new page was turned in the book of God’s plans on that day. God released new set of plans.
God also chose and annointed the forerunners for the following 5 plans of God. This was the speciality of Oct 9, 2010.
God’s plans in the new page:
Rev 5:6- Seven spirits of God are going to be sent out. They correspond to seven different types of anointing. The forerunners are supposed to spread this news and prepare people to receive this annointing.(He didn't say what those seven spirits/seven annointings are)
Rev 7.3 - An angel will soon mark and seal the ministers of God (imo, all believers are ministers). Forerunners must warn ministers (imo, all other believers) to prepare themselves to be worthy to receive the mark. The forerunners will boldly speak and warn against sin and ungodliness. The sword of God will come from their mouth.
Rev 10:11-.Forerunners need to prophesy to nations, kings and tribes. They will no longer prophesy within the church but go outside the church and prophesy.
Rev 11.3 -They are supposed to prepare the way for the two witnesses. (How? I do not know. May be they will also do powerful miracles like the two witnesses.)
Rev 21.2 – God took Vincent Selvakumar to heaven earlier that day and showed him the heavenly Jerusalem .It was being built by angels and getting ready. On that day (9.10.10) at 8 pm Indian time, a stone of covenant was placed in the heavenly Jerusalem and anointed with heavenly oil. God said, all present/watched the live telecast were invited as guests for that dedication ceremony. That city will come down literally and sit over the current earthly Jerusalem. That is the city of the king of kings. Jesus will rule from that city.
Forerunners need to tell people about this heavenly Jerusalem and prepare them to be worthy to walk into it.
He asked people to find out for what work God has chosen them as a forerunner.
Other prophecies by him are:
One third of the tress is going to be destroyed. Forests are going to burn. There will be fires in mountains and islands.
Great and powerful winds are coming that will move stones, destroy houses and cities and ships.
Many new germs will come out of earth (hell?) and will greatly affect eyes, lungs, livers and skin of people. He said something like legs will swell and burst (or rot?). People who die of these diseases will be burnt. Big cities will cry.