The earth and everything therein ,all land ,silver and gold belong to God -we are not owners of anything we possess but only tenants /trustees -In fact we do not belong to ourselves -We belong to Christ since He has bought us with His precious blood -Therefore, Let us live for Him -V A REDDY
-Pl see Psm 24:1-Lev 25:23,Haggai 2:8,1Cor 6:19,20,1Pet 1:18,19,2Cor 5:15-Thanks -
(01:55pm) on 21 Sep 2008
The Bible tells us to observe the Lords 's Day {Sunday)by keeping it (whole day )holy, dedicted to the Lord ,and refrain from fun ,business and idle words-If we do so ,we will find our joy in the Lord and the Lord will honourus - VA REDDY.Pl see Deut -5:12,Isaiah 58:13,14-
On 06 Oct 2008(02:40) pm
God has scheduled each day of our lives before we began to breathe and recorded in His Book -He has set for mankind a brief span of life -Hence the Psalmist prayed:"Teach us to number our days and recognize how few they are ;help us to spend them as we should -"Let us make this prayerour prayer too and resolve to live the rest of our livesnot to please ourselvesbut Christ who loved us and gave himself for us on the cross -V A REDDY -Pl see Ps 139:16,Acts 17:26,Job 14:5,Ps 90:12,2Cor 5:15,Gal 2:20-
On 15th Oct 2008 (11:59am)
With love and concern I place the following disturbing questions for answer: Do we really know CHRIST? Do we really love Him? Are we really children of God? Let us look into the following Scripturesand answer ourselves and God - If our answers are not positive ,let us ask God to change us so that we could boldly say 'Yes ' to the above questions - Pl see 1Jn 2:3,4;Jn 14:21;1Jn 3:10,Jn 1:12-ThankYou -V A REDDY
On 20th Oct 2008(11:23am)
"To me Jesus is my God ;my Life ;my only Love ;my all in all ;my every thing -I have given Him all,aven my sins ,and He has espoused me to Himself ,in tenderness and love -Now and for life I amthe spouse of my crucified Spouse -Amen -_"Mother Teresa-God used Mother Teresa so mightily in helping the poor ,sick ,needy and helpless people all over the world - She totally and unconditionally surrendered herself to Jesus -Are we prepared to do so ?_V A REDDY
On 21st Oct 2008(10:15am)
The CHURCH :Emperor Constantine opened the door of the church to the world -The fact that many Christians hold nominal beliefs and do not act like followers of Christ has been noted since fourth century when church ceased to be persecuted -To account for this ,St Augustine proposed that real church is an invisible entity known only to God -on the other side he also taught that the 'visible church 'on earth was a mixture ,consisting not only of true believers ,members of’ invisible church ',but of those who were mere professors ,hypocrites and the like -This he termed the 'mingled church 'I believe the invisible church mentioned by St Augustine is the catholic or the Universal churchconsisting of all true followers of Christ in all parts of the world. Are we members ofthis invisible Univesal church ?Let up examine ourselves.-VA REDDY
On 22nd oct 2008(09:31)am
Biblical prescription for worry :"Do not worry about anything ;instead pray about everything ;tell God your needs and do not forget to thank Him for his answers -If you do this you will experience God 's peace which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand -His peace will keep your thoughts and your hearts quiet and at rest as you trust in Christ Jesus "{Ph 4:6_7)God bless you with peace and happiness -V A REDDY
On 23rd oct 2008(08:54)am
King David wrote :"I look to my right and see ;no one is concerned for me -I have no refuge ;no one cares for my life "(Ps 142:4)-Though a king he felt so utterly forsaken ,without any one who was concerned or cared for him -Some of us may be experiencingsimilar situation in our lives right now -Let us remember the exhortation of Peter :"Let Him have all yourworries and cares ,for He is always thinking about you and watching everything that concerns you "(1Pet5:7)-With this knowledge we can face any adverse situation and walk through our lives serenely and confidently -Our God is all powerfuland can take care of all our problems -Nothing is impossible with Him (Luke 1:37)-V A REDDY
On 24th oct 2008(09:29)am
Biblical way to success and prosperity :"In everything you do , put God first ,and He will direct you and crown your efforts with success "{Pr 3:6)-"Do not let this Book of Law (The BIBLE )depart from your mouth ;meditate on it day and nighT,so that you may be careful to do everything written in it -Then you will be prosperous and successful {Joshua 1:8)-If we want to be successful and prosperous ,let us put God first in our lives, meditate upon his word(the Bible)daily and practice it i.e obey the commandments of god wholly,not selectively,and belive and act upon all the promises of God contained in it VA REDDY
On 25th oct 2008(10:44)am
Repentance :Jesus began his public ministry with a call for repentance (Matthew 4:17),of which there is hardly any preaching today -Repentance means to feel genuine and heartfelt sorrow for wrongs done (1Jn 5:17}or for good things left undone (James 4:17)-Experiencing such sorrow (called godly sorrow in 2Cor 7:10)produces amendment of life ,some times called conversion. To receive salvation and become children (Jn 1:12)and heirs (Rom 8:17) of God ,repentance should be followed by receiving Jesus as Saviour by the repentant person -Have we truly repented and received JESUS as our personal Savior ? V A REDDY –
On 27th oct 2008(02:55)pm
In Numbers 23:19 we read:God is not like men who lie;whatever He promises He does .Bible contains thousands of promises of God.These promises are like cheques issued by God.we are either ignorant of them or do not care to en-cash them because of our unbelief.It is easy to believe in God but difficult to believe God and His words.Abraham not only believed in God,but believed God and his promises literally (Gen 15:6,Rom 4:7,Gal 3:6)and acted upon them.He did not waiver through unbelief,but was fully persuaded that God had power to do what He had promised.Let us follow the example of Abraham and prove we really believe God.-VA REDDY
On 28th oct 2008(10:33)am
GOSPEL :Paul beautifully Summerises the essence of the GOSPEL In 1Cor 15:1_5-In verses 1and 2Paul says he is about to declare the gospel by which men are saved -Then in verses 3to 5 he defines the gospel -These verses say four things about Christ :He died for our sins ;He was buried ;He arose ;and He was seen -Paul adds the phrase "according to the Scriptures "indicating that the basic elements of the gospel are :Christ died for our sins ;and Christ arose from the dead -Then he added that Christ was buried and was seen -His burial was proof of his death ,and His appearances are proof of His resurrection -Many Christians are not clear in their minds about the essential elements of the Gospel or Good news -Please explain to them -Thank You -V A REDDY
On 31st 2008(09:03)am
Surrender: ”take, o lord, and receive all my liberty, my memory ,my understanding, and my entire will _all that I have and call my own-you have given it all to me, to you, O Lord, I return it –Everything is yours ;do with it what you will –Give me only your love, your grace and health of mind and body –that is enough for me –amen-“(Ignatius of Loyola)-In view of God’s mercy shown to us in sending His only Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross in atonement for our sins ,Paul urges us to surrender ourselves to God as living sacrifices(Rom 12:1) -If we say 'Yes 'to Paul's appeal,let us commit ourselves and all that we have to God totally to be used by Him at His discretion God is trustworthy -The Bible tells vs :"Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord ,whose confidence is in Him "(Jer 17:7)-V A REDDY –
-- Edited by chillsam on Thursday 14th of January 2010 01:14:20 AM
"And the God of peaceshall bruiseSatanunder your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christbe with you. Amen." (Romans.16:20)