The book of enoch is a book which gives details about some incidents in genesis, second coming of christ and about heaven.
In the book of enoch the following place of heaven is described
" 4. From thence I afterwards passed on to another terrific place;
5. Where I beheld the operation of a great fire blazing and glittering, in the midst of which there was a division. Columns of fire struggled together to the end of the abyss, and deep was their descent. But neither its measurement nor magnitude was I able to discover; neither could I perceive its origin. Then I exclaimed, How terrible is this place, and how difficult to explore!
6. Uriel, one of the holy angels who was with me, answered and said: Enoch, why art thou alarmed and amazed at this terrific place, at the sight of this place of suffering? This, he said, is the prison of the angels; and here they are kept for ever. " --------------------------------------------------------- Our forefathers (Hindus) somehow knew about the places in heaven and they made some of the places in earth to represent them. Tiruvanamalai is one of the place like this. The story of this place is "Siva become a pillar of fire in front of Vishnu and Brahma. He asked them to identify him. So Vishnu became as varaha (bear) started searching downwards for his feet and Brahma become swan went upside to search for his head but they not able to see either the feet or head of Siva. After that the pillar of fire became mountain of tiruvanamalai. Thereby Siva destroyed the pride of Vishnu and Brahma" Some of the hindus (Vaishnavists) not ready to accept the story because they have view that this story was told by Saivists to highlight the importance of Siva and to degrade the varaha (bear) avatara of Vishnu